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I am CTOSHI NAKAMOTO, the ​proud cat of Ryan Amstrang ​and the coolest one On Base

Sketchy Checklist Symbols Chalk Marker Style


1,300+ Telegram & 700+ X growing communities

Sketchy Checklist Symbols Chalk Marker Style



CA 0x28a730de97dc62a8c88363e0b1049056f1274a70

Dexes and useful links

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Within the sleek confines of his San Francisco ​apartment, Tokenbase CTO Ryan Amstrang draws ​comfort and inspiration from his three distinctive cats:

CTOSHI, Toshi, and Moshi.

"Each one holds a unique place in my life, but ​CTOSHI, a red-furred cat with a name echoing ​the legendary Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive ​founder of Bitcoin and blockchain, often takes ​center stage.

CTOSHI, of Chinese origin, stands out not only ​for his name but also for his background, ​setting him apart from the others." says Ryan.

Amazed Face Emoji Expression


Green Checklist Bullet
Green Checklist Bullet

Total $CTOSHI ​Supply 1B

Liquidity Pool

32% total (locked)

16% native

Green Checklist Bullet


Buy/Sell Tax

Green Checklist Bullet

Smart Contract


Green Checklist Bullet

14% locked/burned:

  • 5% burned 0x00...dead
  • 5.5% UNCX Whale locked 10 years
  • 4% UNCX Whale locked 6 months

25% is controlled by approx 15 whales from 1.3 to ​3%, who have a commitment to not sell to protect ​the coin and investors

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Flag of China
  • Our goal is to leverage the momentum ​of other successful Chinese-themed ​projects like Peipei, Biao, Chuanpu, ​AndWu, Dogei, Chido, Brettei, Landwu, ​Chuanpu, or Shin among others.

  • Additionally, we aim to capture a ​portion of the market share held by ​Blue Toshi, often seen as the 'face of ​Base,' by offering more imaginative and ​compelling artwork.

  • CTOSHI has shown incredible ​potential, having already surged 80x ​in just three days during the bullish ​market mid-june 2024, jumping from ​a $15,000 MC to $1.3 million.

  • Initially, growth was halted as whales ​took profits, but today, with the new ​CTO on board, the token ​distribution has improved, and the ​team is fully committed to holding ​their positions until CTOSHI reaches ​its true potential.


Arrow Icon
  • Get more people involved ​in the team to grow the ​project
  • Get MC back to ATH 1.2M++
  • KOLs
  • Marketing budget / ​Trending
  • Fast-tracked ​CoinMarketcap listing (or ​normal list if we have the ​pre-reqs)
  • TG Games

  • Idea creation & art work
  • Website build & launch ​(
  • Socials (TG, X, ...)
  • Fair launch on Ape.Store ​(ticker $CTOSHI)
  • Get to enough MC (69k MC) ​to be launched on Uniswap ​(anti-rug, locked LP)
  • Listed on, ​Coingecko, Moontok, ​DEXScreener
  • Obtain 80+ DextScore

  • Grow Telegram and X communities
  • Continue raiding
  • Continue capitalize on Chinese ​narrative, Peipei’s and Toshi’s ​successes
  • Start trending (Dexscreener Ads, TG ​Base Trending, ...) if market is favorable
  • Capitalize on the coming bull run, the ​Base chain and the “On Chain Summer”
  • Grow MC back to 150 to 200k MC floor
  • Generate more community Memes and ​artwork / stickers with contests / ​artists
  • Continue get noticed and recognized
  • Community Funded Multi-Sig Wallet
  • Competitions (Best memes, best ​Raiders/X posters, Blue checkmarks

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